Monday, August 10, 2009

Pluck them off!

Well groomed eyebrows – rather well plucked eyebrows, that’s what all fashion conscious ladies desire of. There are many a tips which can be followed to have eyebrows which are well groomed. Tweezing the eyebrows has been of late quite a hot trend and thus many professionals are coming out with eyebrow boutiques all across. If you are tweezing your eyebrows for the first time, get it done by a professional, such that you get a blueprint of what the shape should be like.
Some tips to follow for tweezing your eyebrows –
1. Do not commit a mistake by tweezing too much. It really takes long stretches to get back over plucked eye brows. Follow this simple trick – the space in between your brows should be similar or a little wider than your eyes. To find where your brow should go, take a long eye shadow brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the side of your nose. Where the brush meets your brow is where your brow should begin.
2. To determine the end of your eye brow, the brush should be extended diagonally from the side of your nostrils, whereby you are advised to follow the outside edge of your eye towards the brow. The place where the inside edge of your brush hits – that’s where you should mark an end to your brows.
3. There is a shape of a slight arch – in the best of the eyebrows. To make an arch, you should hold your brush parallel to the outside edge of the colored part of your eye (the iris). The place at which the brush meets the brow, that’s exactly where you should have the highest part of your eye brow.
4. You skin should be cleansed properly. If you can exfoliate with a gentle scrub, the area becomes quite soft and apt for tweezing the eyebrows. Are you doing it for the first time? Worried if it shall cause pain? Go to an expert and your tension shall be eased out.
5. Always take a good pair of tweezers having a slanted edge.
6. Make sure that you are standing or sitting in front of a mirror, to give you an elaborate view of how the eyebrows are being tweezed. There should be ample light falling on your face to give a clearer view.
7. Always keep in mind that you have to pluck the brow hairs in the direction in which they are growing. The tactic is – not to take out too many hairs at one go. Also, you can hold the skin taut as you pluck your eyebrows.
8. A myth exists that eyebrows should never be tweezed from an upper area. There is a inhibit wish that the bottom and the top should be smooth while plucking your eyebrows. Thus, make sure you tweeze both the – upper area as well as the lower portion.
9. If you are done with plucking your eyebrows, apply some aloe vera gel – that will readily calm the redness in that area.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Identify good and bad carbohydrate

As the name suggests South Beach Diet helps you sliming down and lowering the risk of your heart attack. There is a common notion that carbohydrates is the main culprit of fat accumulation of body. But in reality carbohydrates are good for health and intake of good carbohydrate only enhances in making the body healthy and sound. But the problem is we never knew about good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. This is the point from where South Beach Diet starts working. The diet plan is not only a low carbohydrate diet, but helps the dieters in understanding the difference between good and bad carbohydrate.

The brain child behind South Beach Diet

This effective diet plan is designed by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston and Marie Almon, the dietitian. The diet is considered to be low fat approach. The most important part is the dieters can lose weight without hampering the nutritional requirement of body. South Beach Diet is based on Glycemic Index means that the foods are ranked as per the level of glycemic.

Know good carbohydrate and bad carbohydrate

Thus, from the above discussion it is clear that South Beach Diet insists on striking a healthy balance between fats and carbohydrates. Thus, foods with bad carbohydrates are strictly prohibited in this diet that includes baked goods, soft drinks and different types of sweets. With minimizing the intake of bad carbohydrates your body will experience better metabolize what you eat and resist the improvement of insulin resulting in weight loss.

How South Beach Diet work?

The diet is divided into three phase. Each phase concentrates on relaxing the dieter in terms of what one can eat and cannot eat. Thus, this will result in losing weight in faster rate at earlier phase compared to later phase. But the point is no person on this earth wants to be on strict diet, throughout his or her life. Thus, this becomes the main reason why most of the diet fails to work. In order to gain a healthy body the dieter thus moves to different phases. The phases are the basis of South Beach Diet.

The three phases of South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet Phase 1: The first phase is the most strict phase of diet. The phase strictly insists on having taking six meals throughout the day. But the food must have low fats and low Glycemic index to control the blood sugar level. The phase continues for 2 weeks.

South Beach Diet Phase 2: In this phase the intake of healthy carbohydrates are slowly introduced like fruit and whole grain bread. Glycemic index is used in picking low carbohydrate food and how it affects in blood sugar level. The phase depends on ability to monitor weight and body reaction after intake of carbohydrate enriched food.

South Beach Diet Phase 3: This phase continues with the rest of your life. The phase insist on providing a plan that the cravings for bad foods will go forever and help in attaining your ideal weight.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sweating out in warm

The weather plays a pivotal role in making our life healthy. In many countries people eagerly wait for summer weathers, If you are one of them and intends to exercise on warm weather remember there are some risks involved in the same. You might suffer from heat exhaustion and if not acted on time heat stroke might affect your health. But if you follow some simple and easy tips your warm weather exercise will turn into healthy and nice experience.

  • Water, water and water: Staying hydrated in warm weather is the first weapon to combat heat. Thus, increase the intake of water before, during and after work outs. This will ensure that body will be getting the right amount water to continue with the activities. In order to fight dehydration, it is important to know some of the signs and symptoms like fatigue, flushed skin, heat tolerance and difficulty in swallowing. Keep yourself updated about humidity and temperature and adjust the intensity and time. In warm weather, the best time for exercise is either at morning and dusk.
  • Wear loose and light colored clothes: Wear natural fabric and loose fitted clothes so that air passes and skin breathes naturally. If the temperature gets worse, make sure go for indoor work out and enjoy weight training exercise. Go for stretch exercise and give a nice relief to your hamstringing.
  • Carry proper protection: Make sure that you carry sunscreen and large hats as a protection from heat. You can wear them during the exercise or while returning to home. But if you see that heat is too much it is advisable not to go for outside exercise.
  • Develop compatibility with warm weather: The most interesting part about human body, it can develop to the surrounding environment, if provided proper time. Thus, in oder to continue enjoying benefit of exercise in warm weather provide your body with time say two weeks will be enough. Begin with less number of exercise activities and then continue increasing it. Thus, the body gradually develops with time in adapting with the changing environment.
  • Maintain salt level of body: During warm weather, the body loses its natural salt that might result in different types of problems. In extreme cases, you might suffer from heat strokes. At present there are different types of electrolytes are available. Choose the best one or the one that suits you and continue exercising.
  • Exercise with heart rate monitor: Over exposure of heat to the body will only lead to disastrous results. Thus, it would be sensible if you make sure that you exercise with heart rate monitor to keep an eye on the changes on heart.

Way to long healthy life

Macrobiotic diet is a part of Eastern philosophy of Great Life or macrobiotics. The diet was designed by Japanese educator George Ohsawa. He believed that the key to healthy and optimal life is nothing but simplicity. This diet is very interesting in the sense that it includes ten progressive restrictive stages, where in the last stage the dieter is instructed only to take brown rice and water. Since, macrobiotic diet comes with extreme restriction, this version of diet is not recommended.

Evolution of macrobiotic diet

The concept of macrobiotic diet is good for health, thereby making an evolution and the concept got expanded. Michio Khushi was the man who expanded this theory and along with his wife Aveline popularized this macrobiotic diet across North America.

Why macrobiotic diet?

If you want to opt for healthy eating habit that would integrate spiritual, planetary and physical health, seek the help of macrobiotic diet. This diet consist of high fiber and low diet emphasizing on vegetarian diet like vegetables and wholegrain Soy products are also included thereby making it enriched with phytoestrogen. This kind of diet is also recommended for chronic and cancer disease and helps in reducing the risk of estrogen-linked cancer like breast cancer. Research are being conducted to find out that whether this diet is effective in preventing and treating cancer or not.

Few guidelines of macrobiotic diet

  • Include lots of whole grains and try to include at least 50 to 60 % of your entire meal. Thus,ensure intake whole wheat berries, brown rice, millet, corn, buckwheat, rye and other types of whole grain. You can consume occasionally different flour products like noodles, oats, pasta and baked goods.
  • Soups are very important and make sure that one or two bowls of soup are included. Shoyu and miso must be used in soups made from fermented soybeans.
  • In macrobiotic diet fresh green vegetables makes up to 25 to 30% of food intake. Of this proportion one-third of vegetables can be consumed raw. Whereas on the other hand vegetables can be consumed after steaming, baking, boiling or saute.
  • In the expanded form of macrobiotic diet animal products are also included but only limited to the consumption of white meat like fish and chicken. Other animals products includes poultry, eggs, meat, dairy are generally avoided. Seafood or fish are consumed with horseradish, ginger, wasbi, mustard in order to help the body in detoxifying from the effects of seafood or fish.
  • If you have sweet tooth, then you can rejoice as macrobiotic diet allows intake of sweets in moderate level. If you are in good healthy you can enjoy them three times in a week. But it is advisable to consume natural sweet foods like squash, apple, dried fruit. You must avoid honey, sugar, molasses, carob, chocolate and other sweeteners.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Salty bath to nourish and refresh you!

Epsom Salt is very easy to use and comes at an affordable range. It is a very good home beauty treatment. The most natural product for beauty conscious people – Epsom Salt is a perfect solution for people who desire natural remedies.
From ancient times, Epsom Salt had its use as a laxative mostly. But, now it’s not the case. It is a mineral compound, (chemically Magnesium Sulfate), that gets absorbed in the skin easily and has a lot of advantages of giving a healthy and beautiful solution to the skin. Majorly, Epsom Salt comes naturally, but sometimes we do buy it from shops and that are manufactured ones. To be elaborate, Epsom Salt has a pure and healing characteristic.

There is a council of Epsom Salt – known as the Epsom Salt Council. They have various advantages attached –

1. It gives a softening touch to the skin and exfoliates your skin
2. The magnesium component solves varied purposes –

  • Ease stress
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Create happy, relaxed feeling
  • Raises energy levels

If Epsom Salt is mixed with a deep conditioner, it will add volume and bounce to your hair. The magnesium levels in your body get augmented if Epsom salt is dissolved in bath water.

Researches have proved that easing out the stress in the body is done in a number of ways which includes –

1. The level of serotonin (a mood-elevating chemical) within the brain is raised, which makes you feel more relaxed and you feel better off.
2. The excess levels of adrenaline which is caused by pressure and stress is offset; the magnesium ions make you relaxed (as already stated) and lessens the irritability.
3. The electrical functions that get directed by nerves are well regulated.
4. The blood pressure is lowered.

Epsom Salt has various usages –

1. Acts a relaxing soak – Water in a standard-sized bathtub - add two cups of Epsom Salt in it and let it soak for minimum 12 minutes. Practice this three times in a week. To get a refreshing scent, you have to add few drops of eucalyptus oil – that will be quite refreshing an aroma.

2. Acts as an exfoliater – 2 cups of Epsom Salt should be mixed with 1/4 cup of petroleum jelly and few drops of lavender essential oil. The mixture should be used to scrub away dry patches on the skin. Do that gently.

3. Can be used as a component in facial – Add 1/2 tsp of Epsom Salt in cleansing cream to do a deep-pore cleansing. Massage it on the skin and rinse off with cool water. Pat it dry afterwards.

4. Used in Spa treatment – After taking a shower, massage a handful of Epsom Salt on the wet skin for exfoliating your body. The same procedure is used in many spas. And they charge quite an upscale price for the same. Do this simple method at home all by yourself.

5. Can be used as bath crystals – Two cups of Epsom Salt should be mixed with few drops of fragrance for creating a bath crystal. On that, add few drops of food coloring or 1/2 tsp of glycerin, whichever you like. Always make sure that you store it in an air-tight container.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yes... You can do it!

There are so many things you like to do in life. Very few of them are performed properly. One of the main thing which you usually wish to include in life is the weight loss program. This is actually a global issue and almost every men and women want to get rid of the excess kilos. Proper weight loss motivation can lead you to a long way and you'll be able to win over the fatty bulky look. So, get ready for enjoying a well- maintained figure. Follow the below guidelines and get more motivation to loose your weight.

Weight loss motivation tips

  • The first thing you should have is the desire to shed some weight. Ask yourself how much you're willing to loose the weight. Avoid eating high calorie food and give more priority to your weight loss program. Analyze your lifestyle and sought out the reason why you want to loose those kilos.
  • A simple way to stimulate your desire is to imagine the future with a perfect body type. Think how people would appreciate for losing your weight, how you would appear after wearing the stylish dresses. You can wear any trendy collection and thereby, improve your beauty in great extent.
  • If you really want to get some motivation, then choose a remarkable date of your life. Such as, target your birthday, valentine's day, wedding anniversary, birthday of your beloved, etc. Now set your mind and challenge yourself. Make a strong determination and stay confident about getting a slim-trim body within that special day.
  • Promise yourself for a treat. It will greatly boost your weight loss motivation. Say yourself that after reaching the target, you will give yourself a fantastic treat. Step by step, try to catch your goal. After each success, gift yourself any non-food item. In this way, you will easily become motivated for the task.
  • Are you scared of your picture in a swimming costume? The heavy, curvy body structure may disappoint you. Try to apply this negative factor in favor of you. Gradually it will start inspiring you for getting a well-shaped body. You will begin to realize that you also have the right to look fabulous in such kind of sexy swimming suit.
  • Use your subconscious mind and encourage loosing extra weight. Hypnosis is a scientific way to treat your mind. Incorporate some motivating tapes and send the right message to your brain. This will greatly motivate you.
  • You can inspire yourself by reading the weight loss stories of many people. Some health magazines may guide you in this regard. Know about those people who have got huge success in loosing their weight. Boost your confidence level and stay motivated.
  • Association helps in great way to stick to a certain goal. Interact with other people who are going through the same program. Together practice with lots of exercises can help you to cope with the situation.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let your eyes speak!

Eyes, no, doubt, does a lot of speaking even if you do not speak verbally. Eyebrows, on the other hand, add strength and provide more definition to your face. Eyebrows which are groomed properly do enhance your beauty. Beautiful eyebrows make the facial structure more prominent. To have beautiful eyebrows, you should pluck your eyebrows just before you go to bed such that the redness tends to disappear during the sleeping hours of the night. Make sure that you know your facial features well to have beautiful eyebrows.

Tips for having beautiful eyebrows

  • A pair of slant edged tweezers should be used such that the hairs can be gripped easily. Comb your hair in a manner in one direction and then in the opposite direction to let go of the loose hairs.
  • The hairs should be plucked between the brow area as well. Never try to remove the hairs from the area just above your eyebrows.
  • Each hair should be plucked individually that appears close to the roots. Work in a manner which goes in the same direction as the hair growth.
  • Do not over pluck. To define the eyebrows, use a color which is same as that of your natural hair colour.
  • Apply the brow pencil with small, feathered strokes. Starting from inside, you should work outwards while defining the eyebrows.
  • Blend the colour with a brush. To tame stray hairs just use hair gel and comb through to neaten.

To get beautiful eyebrows is one important makeup trick that one should know from the onset. There are many women who tend to overlook the beauty of their eyebrows, or there are others who over-pluck them, making it worse.

Which is the best Eyebrow color?
Either an eyebrow pencil or an eyebrow powder can be used to have definitive beautiful eyebrows. The process of applying the eyebrow powder goes like this – apply it with an eyebrow brush, dust it through the eyebrows and make sure you do not let it spread on the surrounding skin area. In a way, this is bound to give you a natural matte finish but requires a little blending properly. As we discussed, the alternate tool to define the eyebrows is the well-sharpened eyebrow pencil. Try to put on an effect which is natural and avoid a fake look.

Quick tips for beautiful eyebrows –
One should remain careful about two things – the distance between the eyebrows and the length of the eyebrows.

  • Always pluck your eyebrows in between, avoiding plucking them from above.
  • Visit a professional, if you are plucking your eyebrows for the first time.
  • If the top area looks messy, wax it off.
  • Keep it simple and clean always!