Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bewildering beauty tips

We have been victims of various beauty myths for ages. These myths are the misconceptions that have been carried through centuries. Your great grand mother might have passed on to your grand mother and likewise it might have come down to you as well. Such misconceptions are completely baseless and can be considered as fiction rather than fact. The next few minutes of reading will break some of your beauty myths.

Myth 1: Shaving makes the hair growth thicker.
Myth busted: The hair growth depends completely on genetic equations. Never think thin hair can me made thicker with shaving. However, with shaving, hair does look stubbier. It is the look rather than the real existence.

Myth 2: Lots of water can make your skin beautiful.
Myth bused: Water surely is great for beauty. Hydrotherapy unleashes a great complexion from the tanned and blemished skin. However, too much water leads to just bloating and frequent washroom trips. Drink appropriate amount of water, just as much required by your body.

Myth 3: Soap makes your skin rough.
Myth busted: The age old formulas used vegetable oil and animal fats. The new age soaps are mild and moisturize your skin quite well. You better use liquid soaps if your skin is too dry.

Myth 4: Wrinkles result from dry skin.
Myth busted: Wrinkles are due to sun burns and effects of the heat. Dry skin has nothing to do with wrinkles. Even oily and normal skins face wrinkle issues.

Myth 5: Split ends are not irreparable
Myth busted: Split ends cannot be repaired. Cut the hair ends to get rid of splits ends issues. It definitely stops proper hair growth.

Myth 6: A sun tan can conceal all blemishes.
Myth busted: Sun may dry your pimples but it affects you skin severely. With the depleting ozone layer, the sun causes more harm to your skin that good. In fact, tropical countries have unbearable heat and sun allergies. You will get more blemishes and burns than a nice tan.

Myth 7:
Pimples and acne can be washed off.
Myth busted: Are you crazy? Washing off pimples involve scrubbing. If you do that, the pimples will break excessively all over your skin. You will get severe and permanent blemishes in your trial to wash them off.

Myth 8: One brand is best for your skin.
Myth busted: This is all about brand promotion and keeping brand loyalty intact. You can use any product that suits your skin. Not necessary that the brand that has the best lip colors for your lips will also give you the best sun protection for your skin.

Myth 9: No sun protection on a rainy (cloudy) day.
Myth busted: The ultra violet rays can penetrate clouds and reach your dermis easily. So even if it is cloudy, your skin can be easily affected.

Myth 10: Cosmetics are harmful and natural is good.
Myth busted: If you are allergic to any ingredient, even natural products might seem to affect you if it has such a chemical content.

Myth 11: Junk, oily food and chocolate are the main causes of acne.
Myth busted: It depends on your stomach. Avoid food that gives you stomach issues and your skin will remain clear too.

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