Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stay on Healthy Diet Zone

The Zone- Wondering what is it? It is a kind of diet that helps in maintaining your desired weight by consuming a well planned diet. The meal is prepared in such a way that the hormonal balance is maintained in a right way. The diet is designed in such a manner that body gets the entire nutrition but controlling the insulin production of the body. Say good bye to hard and strict diet as Zone's Diet allows you to have meal you like or snacks you prefer.

Know more about Zone's Diet

So what is the food plan of Zone's diet? Here comes: 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats, 30% proteins. Thus lose weight while eating happily. The benefits of Zone's diet is not limited to losing weight only. If you suffer from diabetics, cardiovascular sickness, different types of chronic ailments, you can follow Zone's diet. For different types of problems Zone recommends different kind of recipes and if you stay on Zone's diet you will improve your health drastically.

The Zone Diet strictly prohibits the dieters to consume meal below 500 calories or a snack up to 100 calorie. Thus, the dieters enjoy load of benefit if they stick with Zone's diet like improved energy and health followed by mental clarity. If you are suffering from Type II diabetics, Zone's Diet proves to be quite beneficial. With low carbohydrate and high protein diet it reduces the dieter's hunger and eating compulsion. The amount of consumption varies from person to person depending on several factors like gender, the level of activity and the proportion of fat in body. But the basic calculation of meal remains all same 40-30-30 ratio. Thus, you might be wondering what are the food ingredient included in this Zone's Diet?

Fresh vegetables, nuts and fruits, green leafy vegetables, adequate consumption of protein followed by intake of eight glasses of water. And remember processed foods and meals with extra salt are strictly prohibited.

How you lose weight with Zone's Diet?

The body produces too much insulin if one consumes too much carbohydrates. The insulin in turn asks the body to accumulate the consumed nutrients. This insulin overload asks the body to turn those carbohydrates to fat and store in different parts of the body like thighs, gut and buttocks. But protein acts in contradictory with that as it instructs the body to allow the carbohydrates to go and stock in liver. Thus, Zone's diet asks in limiting the different types of carbohydrates and gradually balancing them with few ounces of low protein with each small meal. This results in balanced insulin and controlling hunger with limited number of calories. So, what is the end result? Lose weight and cutting out those extra flabs.

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